Abstinenz und ‚Low-Risk‘-Konsum nach einjähriger Behandlung mit hochdosiertem Baclofen: Eine retrospektive Studie unter ‚High-Risk‘-Trinkern (Alcohol and Alcoholism, 2012)

Abstinence and ‘Low-Risk’ Consumption 1 Year after the Initiation of High-Dose Baclofen: A Retrospective Study among ‘High-Risk’ Drinkers (Alcohol and Alcoholism, 2012)
Autoren: Laurent Rigal, Constance Alexandre-Dubroeucq, Renaud de Beaurepaire, Claire Le Jeunne & Philippe Jaury
(pp, 10.10.2014)

Abstract im englischen Original

Aims: The aim of the study was to assess the proportions of ‘high-risk’ drinkers’ abstinent or with ‘low-risk’ consumption levels 1 year after the initiation of high-dose baclofen.
Methods: This is a retrospective ‘open’ study; the outcome of this study was to assess the level of alcohol consumption in the 12th month of treatment.
Results: Of the 181 patients included, a follow-up evaluation was possible in 132 patients. The initial alcohol consumption of the 132 patients analysed averaged 182 ± 92 g/day. After 1 year, 80% of the 132 (i.e. 58% of 181) were either abstinent (n = 78) or drinking at low-risk levels (n = 28) in their 12th month of
treatment. The mean baclofen dose at 1 year was 129 ± 71 mg/day.
Conclusion: High-dose baclofen should be tested in randomized placebo-controlled trials among high-risk drinkers.

Link zum frei zugänglichen englischen Volltext

Die verwendete Definition der Gruppen low risk, medium risk und high risk findet sich im International Guide for Monitoring Alcohol Consumption and Related Harm Textseite 54

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