Eine doppelblinde, placebokontrollierte, randomisierte Voruntersuchung zu den Effekten von Baclofen bei alkoholabhängigen Rauchern (Psychopharmacology, 2014)

A preliminary double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized study of baclofen effects in alcoholic smokers (Psychopharmacology, 2014)
Autoren: Lorenzo Leggio, William H. Zywiak, Steven M. Edwards, Jennifer W. Tidey, Robert M. Swift, George A. Kenna
(pp, 11.10.2014)

Abstract im englischen Original

Objective: There is presently no approved single treatment for dual alcohol and nicotine dependencies. This pilot study investigated baclofen effects in alcoholic smokers.
Methods: This was a preliminary double-blind placebo-controlled randomized clinical study with 30 alcoholic smokers randomized to baclofen at 80 mg/day or placebo. A subgroup (n = 18) participated in an alcohol cue-reactivity experiment.
Results: Baclofen, compared with placebo, significantly decreased the percent days of abstinence from alcohol-tobacco co-use (p = 0.004). Alcohol dependence severity moderated baclofen effects, with the higher severity group having the greater baclofen response (p < 0.001). Although the percent days of alcohol-tobacco co-use declined in both groups, this decline was greater after placebo than baclofen (p < 0.001). Secondary analyses on alcohol or tobacco use alone suggested that the increase in percent days of co-abstinence was driven by the medication differences on heavy drinking days and on percent days smoking. In the cue-reactivity substudy, baclofen slightly decreased alcohol urge (p = 0.058) and significantly reduced salivation (p = 0.001), but these effects were not related to cue type.
Conclusions: This study provides preliminary evidence suggesting a possible role of baclofen in the treatment of alcoholic smokers. However, the mixed results and the small sample require larger confirmatory studies.

Link zum englischen Abstract
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Zum Volltext dieser Studie gab es folgende Korrektur [Erratum]:

The original version of this manuscript contained a mistake in the text. The sentence ‚BACL significantly reduced the % days of abstinence from alcohol-tobacco co-use (BACL, 12.1±2.0 vs. PLA, 3.5±2.2 (M±SE); F(1,197.6)=8.27, p=0.004; Fig. 1a).‘ should read ‚BACL significantly increased the % days of abstinence from alcohol-tobacco co-use (BACL, 12.1±2.0 vs. PLA, 3.5±2.2 (M±SE); F(1,197.6)=8.27, p=0.004; Fig. 1a).‘

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