Entzugssyndrom (Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America, 2000)

Withdrawal syndromes (Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America, 2000)
Autoren: R. Olmedo & R. S. Hoffman
(pp, 12.06.2016)

Diese Veröffentlichung wird auch in einem Kommentar in der Rubrik „Schwerpunkte“ erwähnt, dessen Lektüre im Kontext empfehlenswert ist.

Abstract im englischen Original

The pathophysiology of substance withdrawal is elucidated by a review of classic and cutting-edge research. The manifestation and evaluation of the associated withdrawal syndromes from ethanol, sedative-hypnotics, opioids, and baclofen, are compared. The general management of and pharmacotherapy for these patients are discussed.

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